The Oracle at Delphi
By Rebecca Tamás
Rebecca Támas
The Oracle at Delphi
they call me a bitch and I am a bitch
frosty and wayward hungry and strange
I lie with my bloody hands in the mud and say
look to your bacteria! run into the brightness! take flight!
but the smoke is shushing my energy
you know what?
I’m going to give up prophesies that make ‘sense’ and segue to the
prophesies you need
sorry if you wanted to know about your war campaign sandra
sorry if you wanted to learn about the health of your business
prospects alexi
turn around
you are staring at the frozen soil as it crackles and bites
across limitless space you see moths licking the sugary sunset
gazelles whose eyes are so good that they can make out the glitching
rings of Saturn
there is a tidal wave of blood rising behind all of them
that cannot be captured
a ringing in the ears
an effervescence
as out in the forests fire mashes the earth
and apollo crosses and uncrosses his legs
do you think it will be pretty? do you think it will be easy?
no no no no no no no like all necessary learning it will involve you
snivelling like a slapped dog
you opening up and seeing all the beings crawling in your wet insides
the vehement microbes the gooey world that is nothing like what
you tell yourself it is but is
blue and black and green and shuddering
fanciful and reverent
I’m afraid that you don’t get to have the end of the world
all to yourself
caramel ice cream self pity long lingering shots
of lion cubs curled in the lap of pink sticky death
sybil of cumae hanging in a jar for you to poke at
ugly crying as marshes choke with seawater
you are not making the right enquiries
mortal wound weeping pus
lake frozen over
sperm an expelled web
and nothing growing
your own guts
spilling from windows like crushed flags
turn around
apollo deigns to look you in the face as green light slides across the
he deigns to observe your tender awful features
he deigns to come out from the heart of burning
to return to time hot in the frame of it
to show his shining body
his silver glossy breathing his genitals glinting like a brace of
how lucky you are! the entire world twisting and lurching for his
acid dissolves the former understanding of your eyes grease and tallow
line your tongue
dogs barking owls fucking daytime tv on mute lizards shifting
their tails
in the brightness is this burst of light stronger than the brightness is
apollo ready to prophesy to you now through my impossible
mouth :
find the terrible love that you felt in your pit when the sun woke you
love vulnerable and shivering body parts frozen and chapped
this mess trees escaping you like smoke which you must love as they
which you must want with no end no end ever of the wanting
forgive yourself for being a dirty animal collapsing in wet feelings
complex arrangements! majesty of what is not you! what can never be! the wound
that has been waiting!
wanting to be held by strangeness knowing that this foreign beam against
your eye is telling you
the truth filthy truth nourishing ugly independent truth truth coming
like gases from the splitting ground truth in the spinning planets truth in
the mud the calling truth the ghost of your many bodies
the question of where it hurts your brothers and sisters out there in the dirty
get up! get up and go to them! leave behind the old and broken things! run! go!
the world today begins