Reading to Kurī: National Library of New Zealand
Helen Vivienne Fletcher kneels in front of a tree with her arms around her sitting labrador service dog. They both smile at the camera.
The Reading to Kurī programme brings children and dogs together for the love of reading. The library programme offers one to one reading sessions with a dog from Canine Friends Pet Therapy and animal themed storymaking workshops with Wellington writer Helen Vivienne Fletcher and her service dog Bindi. For children who feel anxious reading out loud in front of grown ups and peers, these events will bring out their confidence. Dogs are patient, will not interrupt or judge and are excellent listeners. Plus they are very cute! NZ Sign Language interpreters will be available at designated time slots. Reading to Kurī will only go ahead in Alert Level 1.
Thank you to Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage for their funding support.
Reading to Kurī is also at the following libraries and dates:
Johnsonville Library (24 Oct)
The libraries and the rooms for Reading to Kuri are wheelchair accessible with accessible toilets nearby. A selection of braille books and VOX books will be available. Call the coordinator Claire on 021 021 66253 if you have access questions, requirements or prefer to book over the phone
Schedule for National Library of New Zealand (7 Nov)
One to one sessions
Duration: 15 minutes
Age range: 4yrs - 12yrs
1 child per session
Price: Free and booking is essential
An opportunity for your child to cuddle up to a dog and tell their favourite story. Or choose a book from the library or the selection provided. A Canine Friend dog handler will be in the room and a parent is welcome to join too.
If you do not require a sign language interpreter, please consider the No NZSL time slots
Session one: 10.05 - 10.20 (NZSL)
Session two: 10.20 - 10.35 (NZSL)
Session three: 10.35 - 10.50 (No NZSL)
Session four: 10.50 - 11.05 (No NZSL)
Storymaking workshop with Helen Vivienne Fletcher
Time: 11.10am - 12pm (NZSL)
Duration: 50 mins
Age range: 8 - 12yrs
12 children maximum
Price: Free and booking is essential
Helen will lead a fun animal themed storymaking workshop accompanied by her service dog Bindi. The workshop will focus on teaching children to write creatively and be made up of a mixture of group discussions, writing exercises and writing games to help engage different types of learners. Bindi pats might be included!
Helen is a children and young adult author, playwright, spoken word poet and creative writing teacher. The founder of Brain Bunny, Helen has provided creative writing and storytelling workshops in Wellington since 2011.
How to book:
Email: (or call me on 021 021 66253 if emailing is difficult)
In the subject line of email include: [Child’s name], [library], [activity and time slot ]
For example, Sam Smith, Johnsonville, one to one session 10.05am and workshop 11.10am
In the body of the email, please include:
The adult / guardian’s name and mobile number
If a NZ Sign Language interpreter is required
Any access requirements
One to one sessions only: If you do not require a sign language interpreter, please consider the No NZSL time slots. More time slots will become available closer to the event dates and featured on the Verb Festival website. To be kept updated regarding more time slots and info, email and write in the subject line: Kuri updates.
NZSL = NZ Sign Language interpreter available to book
No NZSL = No NZ Sign Language Interpreter is available.
Contact information
Coordinator: Claire Noble
Phone: 021 021 66253