Tracy Farr
Photo credit Matt Bialostocki
Tracy Farr is a Wellington writer who used to be a scientist. She has two novels – The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt (love, loss, electronic music) and The Hope Fault (family, anxiety, geology) – out in the world, with the tricky third novel hovering in the wings. She is co-curator, with Melbourne writer Jenny Ackland, of the live literary series Bad Diaries Salon
Tracy Farr
Instagram: @hissingswan
Twitter: @hissingswan
Bad Diaries Salon
Facebook: The Bad Diaries Salon
Twitter: @baddiariessalon
Photo: Julian Dolman
Verb Festival 2021 appearances:
Bad Diaries Salon: SPELL, Sat 6 Nov, 8:30pm (LitCrawl).